
Showing posts from May 15, 2011

YouTube - McKinney reveals 5,000 executed

YouTube - McKinney reveals 5,000 executed

YouTube - Amerikkka is Falling 5

YouTube - Amerikkka is Falling 5

YouTube - Amerikkka is Falling 4

YouTube - Amerikkka is Falling 4

YouTube - Amerikkka is Falling 3

YouTube - Amerikkka is Falling 3

YouTube - Amerikkka is Falling 2

YouTube - Amerikkka is Falling 2

YouTube - Amerikkka is Falling 1

YouTube - Amerikkka is Falling 1

Freedom riders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Freedom riders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Racial Injustice Causes Real Pain in the Lives of Black Americans

Racial Injustice Causes Real Pain in the Lives of Black Americans

YouTube - The Black Consumer Claude Anderson

YouTube - The Black Consumer Claude Anderson This message revealed in this 10 min lecture is a "must acknowledge" piece of work. Though this is only one segment, the other parts can be found on  youtube . I really like what this man is saying because, I believe, what he's saying will provide an avenue out of our overwhelming state of economic oppression & dependency. Further, our problem is such, to where, I believe, it's wrong for our government to use our tax dollars to fund the "general melting pot." Our tax dollars should be strategically used to solve our problems. This can be done.. (I argue).. I believe we're at that point now.. There's a disproportionate number of Black/my people in prisons, homeless & unemployed... This has to change, sooner than later...

Black Billionaires: Black Entrepreneurs, Black CEO, Black Executive, Black Billionaires, Entrepreneur Profile

Black Billionaires: Black Entrepreneurs, Black CEO, Black Executive, Black Billionaires, Entrepreneur Profile

TheGrio's 100: Rosalind Brewer, Wal-Mart leader breaks Fortune 500 glass ceiling

TheGrio's 100: Rosalind Brewer, Wal-Mart leader breaks Fortune 500 glass ceiling

Martin Delany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Martin Delany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia One of the three founding-fathers of Black Nationalism introduced in the early 1800's. M.D. is indeed a "must acknowledge" fixture with regards to African American History.

Time Is Of The Essence..

It's very important to know world history & if  you're clever enough to find out the truth, as to, how God created the universe you'll have even more knowledge with respect to history. Knowledge is power... Having said that, knowing world history allows you to better understand the contemporary conditions of the world... fragile.. In other words, what we see happening right before our very eyes today, is a direct reflection of what we saw the day before & if we're here tomorrow I can guarantee you that what you see tomorrow will reflect what you see right now... Time is of the essence...

Dr. Boyce, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Prof. Michelle Alexander Discuss Mass Incarceration

Dr. Boyce, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Prof. Michelle Alexander Discuss Mass Incarceration

Radiation Experiments on Black People Left Holes in their Heads

Radiation Experiments on Black People Left Holes in their Heads