
Showing posts from May 22, 2011

Author: Blacks Held First Memorial Day in 1865

Author: Blacks Held First Memorial Day in 1865

Musician Gil Scott-Heron dies -

Musician Gil Scott-Heron dies -

Maat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Many may argue, but when you carefully examine religions from a historical perspective you'll find that all follow the six basic principles of MAAT.

Infidel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Infidel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This word is loosely tossed around by many in these particular days. What I've found to be interesting is that the word is mentioned more so in the Bible as opposed to the Torah or Quran. In my solemn opinion, religion in it's entirety has developed over the centuries to become too denominational. For example, there's Jews & Orthodox Jews, etc, Muslims & Orthodox Muslims, etc, Christians & Orthodox Christians etc, Catholics & Orthodox Catholics & so on & so on. Unfortunately, the foregoing idea is playing a global role, at this very moment, as to why humanity manifests division over unity..

YouTube - PowerNomics By DR. Claud Anderson WaterLand Fisheries

YouTube - PowerNomics By DR. Claud Anderson WaterLand Fisheries

A Biography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

A Biography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Oroumieh Lake, Iran's Largest, Turning To Salt (PHOTOS)

Oroumieh Lake, Iran's Largest, Turning To Salt (PHOTOS) Another natural environmental disaster worth noting.

Pictures: Missouri storm damage -

Pictures: Missouri storm damage -

2011 Christchurch earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2011 Christchurch earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

May 22, 2011 Storm Chase

May 22, 2011 Storm Chase Live: Storm Chaser gives a second by second account of record breaking tornado touching down in Joplin, Missouri. There's been a consistent pattern of catastrophic events over the past 90 days worth noting.

Missouri officials say tornado killed at least 89 - Yahoo! News

Missouri officials say tornado killed at least 89 - Yahoo! News More signs that reveal something is wrong!

YouTube - 9/11 The Falling Man

YouTube - 9/11 The Falling Man Another perspective of an event that traumatized millions domestically & globally. Implosion:  The inward collapse of a building that is being demolished in a controlled fashion by the weakening and breaking of structural members by explosives.