
The Black Man Must Wake Up, Part 1 - Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan


WINGCOM WATCHDOG (WW): Today in history...

WINGCOM WATCHDOG (WW): Today in history...

Blackbirding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Blackbirding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is what's known as a "slave auction block" which is more concrete evidence that "Crimes Against Humanity" was well into play beginning in the 1st quarter of the 16th century via the US. How does positioning one's self to sell another "human being" factor into what's really going on inside their mind? In other words, what is it that "possesses" the mind of a human being to utilize extreme violent measures, including death to enslave another human being? Location: Green Hill plantation, Campbell County, Virginia.
This painting shows an illustration of how "Crimes Against Humanity" was practiced in Brazil & is a direct reflection of what occurred in the US and throughout the Caribbean during the era known as: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade which began in mid 1500's.

Slave codes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Slave codes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia